

2024 ELI Graduate - Matthew Curley

Published Monday, June 3, 2024 10:00 am
by Sydney Riendeau

Are you ready to transform into a proactive, visionary leader? The Elevate Leadership Institute (ELI) offers an opportunity for individuals across the Black Hills region to develop crucial leadership skills. Learn from Matthew Curley (Rapid City Fire Department), a 2024 graduate of ELI, on why you should apply for the 2024-2025 ELI Program:

Networking Opportunities

ELI provides a platform encouraging participants to forge connections with peers and community leaders, expanding their networks and opening doors to new opportunities.

Matthew Curley emphasizes the value of networking: "My single biggest takeaway from Eli was all the networking, not only with the peers from the class but also with the community members you meet and all the different areas of the community that you didn't even know about."

Engaging Speakers

ELI speakers offer valuable knowledge and perspectives, enriching the learning experience with real-life examples and experiences. 

Matthew highlights the impact of one particular speaker, Tracy Palecek: "One speaker that stood out to me was Tracy Palecek. She gave a lot of good information that hadn't been heard or spoken on before. What she brought to the table was really good."

Personal and Professional Growth

Most participants join ELI looking to advance their careers and enhance their leadership skills. ELI provides leadership tools and other insights to help participants find success in both personal and professional aspects of their lives.

ELI fosters both personal and professional development. Matthew reflects on his experience: "The program has impacted me professionally and personally. I've been able to grow my business and do different things in that aspect. It's also helped give me different leadership skills to incorporate in the fire service and every day of my job."


Are you ready to enhance your leadership skills and make a lasting impact in your community?

Applications for the ELI Class of 2025 close June 17th, 2024.